Exhibition Displays
Remedy Media brings together a team of specialist project managers, designers and signage experts all with a wealth of experience in exhibitions, trade shows, product launches, portable display solutions and special events both nationally and internationally.
Design concept and plans for exhibitions and events
- Custom building and rental systems
- Project management from concept to handover
- Special events and product launches
- Graphic design and signage production
Submit Brief
if ( (isset($_POST['br_send'])) && (!isset($_POST['captcha'])) ) {
// store $_POST in $brief array.
$brief = $_POST;
// show captcha
elseif (isset($_POST['captcha'])) {
$private = "6LfUHtYSAAAAAFJxqNVFOx34Za_KnzcLdmKT5JN3";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($private, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
if ($resp->is_valid) {
//if captcha success
// compose email to send to me and Steve
$mailto = "steve@remedymedia.co.uk"; //change to Steve later
$mailsub = "Online Brief Submission";
$mailhead = "From: Remedy Website " . "\r\n";
$mailhead = "CC: kai@remedymedia.co.uk" . "\r\n"; //change to remedy address later
$mailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$mailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$brief = urldecode($_POST['brief']);
$brief = unserialize($brief);
$bri = (object) $brief;
$message = "";
$message .= "Project Submission:
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "
"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media" . "\r\n";
$fmailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$fmailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$fmessage = "";
$fmessage .= "
Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.
Upload your files at: www.remedymedia.co.uk/upload.php"; $fmessage .= "
Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "
This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at help@remedymedia.co.uk."; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; echo "
else {
// show captcha
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "
"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media

Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.
Upload your files at: www.remedymedia.co.uk/upload.php"; $fmessage .= "
Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "
This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at help@remedymedia.co.uk."; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; echo "
We will endeavour to get back to you within four working hours.";
echo ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "
We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.
" : "We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.
Verification incorrect; please try again
Contact Us
if ( (isset($_POST['cont_send'])) && (!isset($_POST['captcha'])) ) {
// store $_POST in $brief array.
$cont = $_POST;
// show captcha
elseif (isset($_POST['capt'])) {
$private = "6LfUHtYSAAAAAFJxqNVFOx34Za_KnzcLdmKT5JN3";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($private, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
if ($resp->is_valid) {
//if captcha success
// compose email to send to me and Steve
$mailto = "steve@remedymedia.co.uk"; //change to Steve later
$mailsub = "Online Contact Form";
$mailhead = "From: Remedy Website " . "\r\n";
$mailhead = "CC: kai@remedymedia.co.uk" . "\r\n"; //change to remedy address later
$mailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$mailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$brief = urldecode($_POST['cont']);
$brief = unserialize($brief);
$bri = (object) $brief;
$message = "";
$message .= "Project Submission:
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "
"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
else {
}; ?>
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "
"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
Thanks! Will will try to get back to you within four working hours.
else {
// show captcha
Verification incorrect; please try again