The next generation: 3D Advertising - how it works for retailers
3D advertising brings a new dimension to your advertising where customers can interact with your adverts, share with friends, like on Facebook and best of all... get to know your new customer and send future offers via email.
Where does this all start?
By generating a QR Code and displaying the code through traditional advertising you can police traffic to a unique URL whether it be a web page, video or better still a voucher or coupon. Your advertising therefore becomes viral and measurable, giving a clearer outcome of your campaigns.

- Harvest customer data
- Share with friends
- Like on Facebook
- Stat Counter
- GPS Locator
- Voucher Builder
- Call 2 Action Buttons
- Email Broadcasting
- Sales Leads
End User Model

Advert appears in a ghosted format encouraging the end user to enter their email address
The email address is stored in a CRM for future marketing

Once an email address has been sent, an offer is shown, and end users can get a better offer if they share your QR code with their friends

New offer appears when promotion has been shared by the end user.
Sharing and harvesting of data is channeled through email
End User Features

Share offer with a friend
Smart Vouchers can be shared directly with friends via email from mobile devices.

Contact retailer via email
A direct link for consumers to contact the retailer

Call from mobile device
Fast-dial feature allowing the consumer to call the retailer with one click of a button

Find retailer
Get directions using Google Maps. By Clicking on the find button a consumer can find the retailer in seconds.

Share offer on social media
Promote your promotions on social media by adding Facebook Like and Google Plus buttons
Submit Brief
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "
"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media

Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.
Upload your files at:"; $fmessage .= "
Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "
This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at"; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; echo "
We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.
Verification incorrect; please try again
Contact Us
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "
"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
Verification incorrect; please try again