SEO includes on-going methods of optimisation like keyword research, implementation and development
How does SEO get my website higher on Google?
Online traffic is so enormous, that even slight changes can have amazing results. We do SEO the right way, therefore we're able to start making your site more "visible" to the audience you want. You will see results!
What is SEO Anyway?
According to Wikipedia, "Search engine optimisation SEO, is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the 'natural' or un-paid 'organic' search results."
Organic traffic is free and therefore should be taken advantage of. It already is the highest source of traffic to your site, and it can be increased dramatically!
Can you envision highly qualified customers coming to your website every day looking for the exact product or service you offer?

What does SEO involve?
SEO is quite indepth and unless you know what you are doing, a lot of the small but important things that help your website become visible to search engines can be over looked.
SEO includes on-going methods of optimisation like keyword research, implementation and development, competitive analysis and industry benchmarking, backend coding optimisation, website submissions and results reporting. Just to mention a few!
The Statistics.
Search Engines outperform all other media in driving visitors to websites with 85% of Internet users citing search engines as the primary method to find websites. 93% of users don't look further than the first two pages of search results and 56% of first page clicks go to the very first result.
The Internet is the fastest growing sales channel in the world and the UK Internet Advertising industry is growing at 100%. This growth proves that the way people make decisions about finding where businesses are, and where to buy things they want, has changed; Google and other search engines are now an important part of the research into finding out where to buy.
Marketing is no longer solely a business and management based discipline, thanks to the incredible growth of the Internet
Search engine marketing is a form of online marketing that seeks to increase the visibility of a company's website in search engines in order to attract higher and more targeted volumes of site visitors. By far the most popular and the most coveted form of Internet marketing, search engine marketing is a highly specialised and competitive field which has attracted enormous interest from marketers across the world in recent years.
The process of choosing targeted and relevant key phrases related to a website's content and using them to drive traffic to your site can be complex and difficult. We have has conducted in depth studies into the techniques and processes that produce the best results in the area of search engine marketing for a minimal investment in time and money from our clients. Within the realm of search engine marketing there are two main methods of achieving this: "Search Engine Optimisation" and "Pay Per Click Advertising". These methods are usually employed together, to achieve prominent natural rankings for your product or service, and to advertise your product or service to targeted traffic with commerical intent.
Marketing is no longer solely a business and management based discipline, thanks to the incredible growth of the Internet and the use of search engines to locate products and services online. All marketers nowadays need access to informed, innovative technical expertise as provided by Remedy to protect and extend their online presence. And there can be no more important way of doing this than through search engines, used by 80-85% of all Internet users on a daily basis.
Submit Brief
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "
"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media

Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.
Upload your files at:"; $fmessage .= "
Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "
This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at"; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; echo "
We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.
Verification incorrect; please try again
Contact Us
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "
"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
Verification incorrect; please try again