As graphic designers, we truly believe that design matters.
We love to design and create solutions which put smiles on our clients’ faces. Whether producing a new brand, national advertising campaign or a brochure, the principle is the same. The product must be unique, mesmerizing and unforgettable.
We would like to share this passion with you. Remedy Media offers a wide range of print, media and marketing solutions for the SME and MED business community.
Our extensive experience in the business means we understand the things that are most important to our clients and we can help you to drive your business with bespoke marketing solutions that achieve measurable results.
If you have ambitions for your business, get in touch and find out how we can assist you in achieving your goals. We believe we have the right attitude to really make a difference
A few snippets of our work
Submit Brief
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "
"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media

Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.
Upload your files at: www.remedymedia.co.uk/upload.php"; $fmessage .= "
Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "
This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at help@remedymedia.co.uk."; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; echo "
We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.
Verification incorrect; please try again
Contact Us
"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone
"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "
"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
Verification incorrect; please try again